Transform toothbrushing time into fitness time!
What you get in the challenge:
✓ 30 unique daily exercise videos with Carol✓ Exercises adaptable to standing, seated, or aqua classes
✓ Printable Toothbrush Challenge Checksheet for participants to use
✓ Printable exercise summary so you can practice together in class
✓ Certificate template for your participants
✓ 12 months access - perfect for multiple class cycles!
Normal Price: $10 with 12 months access
Member Price: FREE (find your coupon code when you log in to your membership)
Downloads: PDF checksheet, exercise summaries, certificate template
Today was my Aqua group undertaking the toothbrush challenge. Stipulation for everyone was no toothpaste and no spitting in the water! Just about everyone brought their toothbrushes with them. For those who forgot their brushes, they pretended with their fingers. Quite disconcerting for the lifeguards to see water bottles with toothbrushes attached, and wondering what on earth was happening!!

I was able to have participants use the pool deck and the Perspex wall between the pools to do their spider crawls. I had them practice the push ups single arm, before using their toothbrush.
The advantage for the group was that many of the exercises you do, we also do in the water on a regular basis, so they do tend to have good balance. However, many commented that once the toothbrush cleaning was implemented it became more of a coordination and concentration session rather than a balance session.
It was a lot of fun for everyone. I will be checking in with participants next week to see if any continued with the toothbrush exercises. This group is such a great group and they love new and creative stuff – so congratulations to you and Trudi.
Thanks again for a fun challenge.
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