Member Profile
Sandra is inspired by her grandchildren to stay fit and healthy
Age: 75
Membership: Older Adults Agility
Tell us a bit about the stage of life you are in
My husband and I are both retired, and I have been so for about 15 years. We downsized about nine years ago and moved to Doreen after living in Greensborough for about 25 years. We have two sons and five grandchildren now, and we look after the grandkids at various times throughout the week, often picking them up from school and minding them for a couple of hours.

I was in the school system for 15 years towards the end of my working career. For some of that time I was a Disability Support Worker, before I shifted and worked as a Library Technician. Just prior to retiring I worked for two years as a receptionist in the church office where I attend.
What hobbies do you have at the moment? What do you enjoy doing?
A lot of our time during the week is spent looking after the grandkids, but I do love to read and I belong to a Book Club. During lockdown I also became addicted to 1000 piece puzzles and enjoyed the challenge of these immensely! I also enjoy crafts and making cards. My husband and I also love to walk and we often look for opportunities to enjoy outings to different parts of Melbourne.
How do you feel about ageing?
I certainly don’t feel my age, although I am aware when looking after grandchildren that I get more tired than I used to! I feel very fortunate to be as well as I am. Last year I had a heart stent inserted, and I am currently working through some osteoporosis issues that are affecting my neck and shoulder, but on the most part I’m in pretty good health.
What are you looking forward to in life? How has your perspective on ageing changed?
I’m glad to be able to participate in my grandchildren’s lives, and I’m looking forward to watching them progress through life. I do enjoy my time sharing with friends and hosting family when they visit from interstate too. I don’t think my perspective has changed too much, but I do realise more and more the need to look after my health, and keep as active as I can, so I can keep on doing those things that I like.
How long have you been exercising in general? What has that looked like over the years?
I have been exercising most of my life in one form or another. My father was a bit of a fitness fanatic and always encouraged us to keep fit. From a very young age I participated in tennis, then netball and later squash. I always did a lot of walking, including bushwalking, in my 20’s. Fitness stopped in the early years of family like it does for most mothers, but later I got back into it and tried a number of different fitness activities including aerobics, going to the gym and bike riding.
How often do you exercise now?
I try to do my Third Age Fitness workouts two to three times a week. We have lots of lovely walking paths out here in Doreen, so my husband and I usually walk four to five times a week on top of that.
Are you friends and family supportive?
Yes, I’m lucky that they are all aware of the need for exercise both physically and mentally, and so they support my endeavours. A number of my friends do exercise in one form or another and I think we all just support one another in our efforts.
What was your main reason for taking out a membership?
I started during lockdown because I had the time and realised I needed to keep active. I broke my left ankle in 2018 and had a knee replacement on my right leg in 2019 so I want to keep fit, but I especially want to help keep all my joints supple.
What do you like about Third Age Fitness workouts?
I really like the fact that you cater for a wide range of people's needs. In particular I like the SIT Cardio and SIT Strength workouts on a chair because of my ankle and knee - I don’t get the jarring that can happen sometimes during standing exercises, but I still get a good workout.
What do you like about Third Age Fitness membership?
It is very convenient being able to do the workouts at home, any time, especially as I like to do them first thing in the morning. I would probably have to travel a fair way otherwise, to find the same workout in a gym. In terms of using the website, I’m lucky that if I have any issues my husband is very helpful, but I find it very accessible.
What improvements have you noticed since you started exercising?
Doing them first thing in the morning is good mentally and physically for me, although getting up a bit earlier is sometimes a challenge! I just know that they are helping to keep me fit and help my joints stay loose. I want to stay well and keep moving so I can enjoy life with my family and friends for as long as I can.
Why should people take out a Third Age Fitness membership?
Firstly because it is a wonderful way to keep fit! Also because it is convenient, it is very good value for money, they have wonderful staff who encourage you to do your best, and most importantly they make it fun!
Sign up today and take charge of your health!
Older Adults - TOTAL Agility Membership
BundleHuge on-demand library of standing, seated, and floor workouts, to do anywhere, anytime. Includes aerobics, dumbbell, balance, band, core, ball, cardio, dance, resources and challenges to keep you motivated.
$22 / month
Older Adults - Mobility Membership
BundleFind all your favourite mobility classes for older adults and seniors in one spot - whether you're in the mood for seated exercises using spoons, bands, balls, weights or scarves, we've got the home workout for you here!
$22 / month
30 Day Toothbrush Challenge
CourseDo you brush your teeth every day? Get even more health benefits by adding in a strength, balance or mobility exercise while you're there! Join Carol for a fun and challenging 30 days combining a toothbrush and exercise, for older adults & seniors!