Member Profile

Lesly wants to stay active for as long as she can

Lesly loves keeping active, and keeps busy every day with a different activity. Whether she is dancing, golfing, in the gym, or doing one of our balance workouts, she can't imagine it any other way. Read more of her story below.
Name: Lesly
Age: 79
Membership: Older Adults Agility
Member Since: 2020

Tell us a bit about the stage of life you are in?
My husband, Percy, and I have been married 58 years. We have four children, nine grandchildren, and two great grandchildren, and we are very blessed to have every one of them.

What was one of your first jobs?
My first job was working in what l think now was one of the first fitness centres in Melbourne - it was at the hot sea baths, called ‘South Pacific’, in St Kilda. It had the baths, a steam room, massage facilities, the gym, and a beauty salon. My job was to attend to the ladies.

What keeps you busy during the week? What do you enjoy doing?
Percy and I belong to Templestowe Valley Probus and are involved in their activities. I am part of the entertainers group and choir, and I enjoy playing golf every week too.
How do you feel about ageing?
I am not happy about getting older, but it is what it is! I generally don’t feel old, but sometimes it creeps up on me. I know I am fitter than a lot of my friends - I have no trouble getting out of bed in the mornings, even when it is cold - and that makes me feel good.

How often do you exercise? What does that look like for you?
Throughout my life, exercise has just been something I have done. I am still very active - Percy and I walk four days a week, I play golf one day, and I am back tap dancing again which I love - I missed it during COVID lockdown. My golf club has a small gym and I have been doing my weights workout three times a week there too. I really don’t need motivation to exercise, I just do it!

What is your aim for your physical health moving forward?
My aim is just to keep as fit as I can for as long as I can.

Are your family supportive of your exercise program? What do they think?
I know my children are proud of me for being so active, as are my grandchildren - all of them do some form of exercise now too.

What do you like about the Third Age Fitness workouts?
I really enjoy being able to do the workouts online. I do like the aerobic and balance classes the most - everyone should do the balance classes as it is so important as we age.

Why should people take out a Third Age Fitness membership?
Exercise is so important at any age, and it’s never too late to start, so I think Third Age Fitness is the way to go.